Crown and Glory Ministries is dedicated and committed to our mandate of seeing his Kingdom come and his will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt. 6:10) His heart’s desire right now is to see the Earth manifesting what is in Heaven. This is the challenge before us, and we take our mission seriously. Crown and Glory Ministries is a prophetic ministry that honors all expressions of the prophetic, whether it be in Word, Visions, Dreams, Art, Singing, Dancing, Signing, Writing and Seeing. We are all unique and wonderfully made by him to express God’s image and likeness to a dying and hurting world. This ministry is called to Intercede, Prophetically Legislate in the Courtrooms of Heaven. We are also called to preach, teach, prophesy, write and broadcast the Word of the Lord. I invite you to Partner with us in seeing the Kingdom of God spread to the entire world. Below you will see details on how you can Partner with Crown and Glory Ministries and take advantage of some of the Ministry Services we provide. Be sure to check into the free teaching on our Media page and check back often for updates. As Paul so aptly put it “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”. (1 Cor. 11:1)
Thank You Partners!
I would like to thank all my Partners for the generous love and support. I could not accomplish the tasks before me without you. I thank you for your giving, and for your prayer as I know you do both. The Lord will bless you abundantly for your financial sacrifice, and many of you are already experiencing the blessings and changes you have desired for so long. His Word never returns void, but always goes and performs what it is sent to do! I continue to pray for you every day, asking the Lord to bless you, and strengthen you and to remove every obstacle in your path. I’m standing with you in whatever storm the devil throws your way. Partners; we stand and we fight and we win! Thank you for all you do!
*All donations, subscriptions and gifts that come to us are based on the amount of time we minister to you, and not based on Prayer. To be clear, we do not charge or ask for donations to pray for you, but we do however get compensated for our time.
*All donations, subscriptions and gifts that come to us are based on the amount of time we minister to you, and not based on Prayer. To be clear, we do not charge or ask for donations to pray for you, but we do however get compensated for our time.
MINISTRY PARTNER SUBSCRIPTIONAll Crown and Glory Ministry Partners will have access to prophetic words, personal teaching and instruction, specialized & targeted prayer for inner healing and bloodline Cleansing, Courts of Heaven mentoring and will receive special consideration in all webinars and receive free teaching as we receive it from the Lord. You will be covered in prayer by us on a daily basis. Our Ministry Partners are very special to us and are honored by us giving them our undivided attention. The Ministry Partner Subscription is a monthly recurring billing, and cancellable at any time. Ministry Partner Subscription is $120.00/ Month.
*Crown and Glory Ministries reserves the right to cancel any and all partnerships at any time without notice and without refunds.
You can donate using the following methods
Common Place Consulting
For many other services we provide please click here to our consulting company for more information.
Crown And Glory Prayer Calls

Prayer calls temporarily put on hold, watch this space.
Crown And Glory Ministries @ 2024 All Rights Reserved