The Lord whispered to me this morning "Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life!" Proverbs 4:23
I use to think that this meant to keep my heart from being hurt, or kept my heart true to God, and though it does include those things, I feel that to guard it diligently means to stand watch. Do not allow negative and vile thoughts, self talk, or images to get to your heart. The bible also says to take into captivity all thoughts that would exalt themselves above the knowledge of God. So, we can not allow those thoughts to get to our heart. This is how we keep our heart. There is a gate to our heart, and we are the keepers of that gate. We have gates on our ears to what we allow ourselves to hear and either take it "to heart" or reject it. We have gates on our eyes as to what we allow our eyes to see & believe or to reject it. We must wake up to the fact that we are called to be gatekeepers. But above all keep our hearts with all diligence. Why? Life flows from the heart! Out of the heart the mouth speaks. We speak what we believe in our heart. What comes from our heart defiles a man or blesses a man. If we keep our heart to purity then what comes out will be life! Blessings and prosperity! guard your heart today! Be a gatekeeper! You can do this! Amen!
Well I just got to write it today! I just feel the unction to say to the devil that no weapon formed against me will prosper, and in case he has not figured it out yet, no WORD of HIS will stick, find a footing, bare fruit or cause me to stumble and fall! I AM an overcomer! I will NOT! I repeat I WILL NOT be intimidated my him on any front! I am walking according to the spirit and not the flesh, and his lies will be returned on his own head!
I would caution any person, or entity to watch how they speak to me or any other daughter of the living God! Notice; I said he is a LIVING GOD! I will not cower nor will I shrink back from the assignment my Lord has given to me to accomplish and furthermore I plan on creating as much destruction of your kingdom as God sends me to do! I decree and declare that my boundaries are about to be enlarged! and that my mountain is conquered! I command all distractions to flee and I condemn every word that has been spoken over me and to me in judgement! I will not tolerate evil encroaching upon me or my house! I command you to back up! I send forth the mighty army of Angels that has been released on my behalf right now to go forth and administrate this word! I command every evil agenda and plan to be shaken, and to fall beginning in this community I live in, and in the lives of my family! I command every weight to lift! and every sin to be exposed! I command all darkness that is trying to stay hidden to come to the light, right now in Jesus mighty name! I release the Word of God to go out and to accomplish the things it was sent forth to do! We shall see the captives set free, and the blind to see! We shall see the lame walk, the hurting healed! We shall see miracles upon miracles and healing upon healing as the Glory of God comes forth! The Sons and Daughters of the Living God is waking and rising up and demonstrating the POWER of our Father, which is in heaven, upon this Earth! We will not fail! We have already overcome Praise God forever!! His throne is forever established in Heaven "For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with a skillful psalm. God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne. The princes of the people have assembled themselves as the people of the God of Abraham, For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is highly exalted. Psalm.47:7-9. Make no mistake, we walk humbly before our King, and perform powerfully those things he directs on this Earth. We do not seek to glorify ourselves and we want no praise of our own, but only Our God and King to be Glorified and exalted forever and forever! Amen! John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. The Word was in the very beginning. Everything started with the Word. The Spoken Word has always been the way anything starts, because as it states above, that all things were made by him, and without him (very important thought) nothing is made that was made. He is and was and will be the creative force behind anything and everything. The Spoken Word of God is a powerful force. We use it to battle the enemy, to call those things that be not as though they are, to create life(raise the dead), and even end life(life and death are in the power of the tongue). This is one of the laws of the Kingdom, to learn to speak. When we are babies we are taught to speak or taught how to talk. As children of God we are taught the same thing. We are taught how to speak. We are taught the things we should or should not say. How to say things. But Kingdom talk is not the same as Earthly talk is it? We need to be careful about how we speak and what we say because as children of light we have power in our words. These words become like seeds that we plant and they will grow and produce what was in them. Negative words produce negativity and positive words produce positive things. The Word spoken prophetically releases or activates God's will in a situation or a person's life. He will send a Prophet into a situation to bring change, to bring correction, or bring order or to bring edification, cleansing and healing. Sometimes order to God is not the same as order to us, it looks chaotic and disorderly to us, but it's all part of the master plan. Much like a battlefield. When you are at war its ugly; but when the dust settles and the enemy has been rooted out of your life; there is beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness praise God! So, if you find yourself in this place at the moment, take good cheer that deliverance has come, and the sun is coming up over the hill, and its going to be beautiful what he creates, and you will have joy again and praise will fill the house! Amen! Jesus Said "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for sopersecuted they the prophets which were before you". Matthew 5:12
This is what is on my heart today: We are the body of Christ, all of us that call ourselves born again. Yet, we still want to bash each other and tear each other down at the very cost of causing irreparable damage. I've been called a false prophet, a Jezebel (just recently), loud, rude, unruly, unsubmissive to authority and out of order. Yet with the pain this has caused me, the greater pain is for those that say this, and their heart because God desires to do something bigger and greater in their lives. Jesus also said that "A Prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house". Mark 6:4 This is certainly baring true in my own life at the moment. And in the verse above he says to rejoice and be exceedingly glad. for great, yes GREAT shall be my reward in heaven. Hallelujah! Jesus would only say that if the person was doing what he told them too, which is why they are being persecuted. So I have to declare: Today; I march on. Today; I say Yes again Lord to your will and your way, not mine. You asked me Lord if I would be willing to drink from the same cup, and I said Yes! So today I make the decision to say yes again. As I march onward, and upward following you, I look around me at the carnage that has fallen, those who are unwilling to take up their cross and follow you. Those that are unwilling to submit themselves to the same scrutiny that they are holding me to. I just say, Lord reach in and pull the blinders off. Let them see Lord, that it is not I that they persecute but you. It is not I that they are saying no to, but you. Lord let them see that their is so much more for them if they will also say yes! I love them! I love them all with all of my heart; truly! My heart is breaking Father for them, its breaks for them! Alas, you are calling me. Come! Come higher. And I cry out Lord that I can't leave them behind, but you beacon me to come. So I turn and once again focus on the cross before me. The way before me is so steep, I must continue to watch you Lord! I must continue to follow closely so I don't lose sight of you. I walk with you and cleave to you as you lead me on. Selah~ |
AuthorProphetess Melinda Geisenburg Archives
March 2017
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Crown and Glory Ministries
MAtthew 6:9-13 NKJVOur Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. |
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